Kicking ass and taking names (with map)

Kicking ass and taking names (with map)

As I slooowly finish off the last couple of profiles for the website, I'm reminded that they're not representative of everyone who has contributed to cycling improvements in the region over the past 30+ years, and they don't represent everyone I've spoken to as part of this project.

Who's made their mark? Thousands of people, too many to name and hunt down.

Who have I profiled? Mostly the 40-odd folks who participated in a series of photo shoots with Jenn and I.

So...who's in the middle? Who are the people I spoke to and not pictured on the site so far?

There are some amazing and important people still missing.

Like current and former councillors and mayors from across Metro Vancouver, some of whose opinions and memories are critical for informing the timeline, and who, whether they ignored or supported cycling, were the gatekeepers for policy and cultural change.

Like current and former municipal planning and engineering staff, whose experiences working with (and at times against) the cycling advocacy community were responsible for the material changes on the ground, which thus resulted in either forward momentum or continued conflicts.

Like stakeholders from the business community, whose voices have had a strong influence on the pace and style of improvements championed by elected officials and staff of local governments.

As well as other advocates who have moved on from the Lower Mainland, but who also were part of flash point issues and key events from the historical timeline.

So stay tuned. Excerpts from many of these interviews — and possibly more portrait photographs and fuller profiles — are coming throughout the balance of this year, and will ultimately be part of the book.

Below is a map of Van Bikes interviews — names and locations. Thanks for your interest and support!