

"The volume of cyclists are one block off. It has really been apparent to me that if you're trying to make that make that population shift, there's a visibility problem that we suffer from here, because we are one block off. I think it matters if you see people cycling."



"Seriously, I look at that and I go, I've made people's lives better. Based on some stuff that I got excited about years ago. I was in the right time, in the right place. I've made the city better, in such a nice way. That's pretty cool."



"I wasn't necessarily thinking about it as like a new movement. I think I was thinking of it like formalizing these desires and intentions that people already had, and taking them to the next stage of 'let's make it happen'."


Unsafe at 18 speeds

I had been looking for an excuse to rethink my career priorities, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. “Now’s the time,” I said to myself, and I wrote a rant on my blog, in the hopes that it might lead to some further inspiration on the subject of cycling in Vancouver.

Unsafe at 18 speeds